Emergency Management

Emergency Management Coordinator
 Currently Vacant

If interested more information at https://www.boisecounty.us/services/employment/

Emergency Management News articles

Boise County Emergency Management is tasked with planning for and response to large-scale disaster conditions such as landslides, forest fires, flooding, earthquake, pandemic illnesses and other such events.  The County Emergency Manager works for the Boise County Commissioners and advises them on Disaster conditions.  A Local Emergency Planning Committee advises the Department. We are the focal point between the Idaho Office of Emergency Management and Boise County.  Emergency Management interacts with and supports all first responders in the county including Law Enforcement, our 10 Fire Departments and 5 EMS units.

Emergency Planning and Training   The Department assists in development and coordinating tabletop and full scale exercises in all areas of the County during which our response agencies have the opportunity to work together in a controlled environment.
The Boise National Forest created a video of the 2014 Exercise.

In addition we maintain 2 response trailers in the County stocked with HAZMAT and Medical response equipment as well as some basic survival equipment.   We work with the Fire Departments, EMS units, Senior Centers and other organizations to provide facilities for emergency response shelters or meal providers during emergency responses.

All Hazards Mitigation Plan    The Boise County All Hazards Mitigation Plan was developed during 2004-05 by the Boise County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, in cooperation with Northwest Management, Inc., of Moscow, Idaho. Two bound documents have been produced as part of that planning effort. This plan was updated in 2017 and approved in 2018. Citizen participation is key to a successful update of this plan; please contact – currently vacant

Boise County has upgraded and improved the emergency power systems for several critical public buildings. Boise County received a $70,000 grant from Idaho’s Department of Health & Welfare to improve our ability to continue critical government services and provide shelter facilities during times of prolonged utility outages. Several generators were installed and updated at County and Fire Department facilities.

Wildfire Mitigation Forester 
Jordan Jones

Phone  208-807-0073

Wildland Urban Interface    The office of  Boise County Wildland Mitigation interacts with Planning & Zoning and the Fire Departments regarding subdivisions, conditional use permits and building in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).Boise County’s 2017-01 Burn Ordinance governs new development.

2017-01 Burn Ordinance

County Wildfire Protection Plan  Boise County’s 10 fire departments collaborated with Boise County government and citizens in 2003 to plan for improvements in our ability to prevent and survive wildland fires in our residential areas. That Boise County Wildfire Protection Plan was again updated in 2023 after consultation with the Fire Chiefs of those departments.
