There are no evacuations in place in Boise County.
The Boise County Sheriff has created some information for residents to help prepare for the fire season. Boise County Evacuation Policy Evacuation Tips for residents
There are currently no wildfires threatening Boise County homes.
Boise County’s Outdoor Burning Ordinance is Ordinance 2017-01 and prohibits any open fires on private lands between July 1st and October 20th. This ban does not prohibit campfires in appropriate structures at private residences.The ban continues in effect between these dates regardless of the presence of state and federal restrictions.
Idaho’s OPEN BURNING PERMITS (May 10 through October 20)
The Idaho Department of Lands regulates any burning outside city limits statewide (excluding campfires) from May 10 to October 20. Permits from IDL can be obtained at http://burnpermits.idaho.gov/.
Current State and Federal FIRE RESTRICTIONS
HUNTING INFORMATION: https://idfg.idaho.gov/blog/2016/08/get-current-fire-information-here
SMOKE INFORMATION — Idaho smoke information can be found at idsmoke.blogspot.com
Visitors should be aware that annual seasonal roads and trails closures are in effect. Boise National Forest Motor Vehicle Use maps can be picked up at no charge at any Ranger District Office or they can be downloaded to your smart phone at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/boise/maps-pubs
Further information is also available by calling the:
• Boise National Forest at 208-373-4100.
• Idaho City Ranger District at 208-392-6681
• Lowman Ranger District at 208 259-3361
For more information on Wildfire Smoke and your Health please visit: http://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Health/EnvironmentalHealth/WildfireSmoke/tabid/2172/Default.aspx.
Or visit the Idaho Smoke Blog: